Program’s outstanding features
- 100 % subsidized: It has no cost for entrepreneurs. In addition, you will be the sole owner of your work and you will be able to start your company if you so decide.
- Specific training and quality in new technologies, tourism, innovation and business (150 h). Get update! Complement the knowledge you already have about new technologies or start from scratch. Keep up to date on the techniques and advances that will move the world in a short time.
- Specialized tutoring of experts in different subjects for each entrepreneurial project, either as a team or individually. They will provide you everything necessary for a specific knowledge of the sector and business management, as well as support and accompaniment to your business plan’s creation.
- Accommodation. Live the moment! Possibility of accommodation so that you can make the most of your stay in this privileged site during the program realization. Ask when you register!
- Boot camp. We put at your disposal what you need to experiment, test, decide, … about your business idea and its viability. Tell us what you need and we coordinate it.
- Financing. You will have an economic advice to find financing for your project.
- Certificate to expand your curriculum related to the training received, which you can validate with a certificate issued by a public organization as Ajuntament del Vendrell.